Keep in mind that the mutiny was one of the Bengal sepoy army only. It was not a national rising. It started after Lord Dalhousie annexed territory of Indian despots whose scandalous handling of law and order was manifest.
It was also not anything to do with indian solidarity or in any way a revolution.
In OUDH in Bengal the ruler Nana Sahib was pensioned off. He was allowed to continue to take rents. This he resented and started to tamper with native soldiers, the SEPOYS. (NANA SAHIB.right)
Also a large number of soldiers had becomre redundant when Oudh was annexed.They were now penniless and became one of the causes of the Bengal mutiny.
Apart from this the victory at Gujerat had left a Sepoy army inflated with its own importance.It was idle and as you know that condition leads to many things.In the first image THE BATTLE OF GUJERAT

The Battle of Gujrat was a decisive battle in the war, fought on 21 February 1849, between the forces of the empire and an army in rebellion against the Company's control of their lands represented by the child Maharaja who was in British custody . The Sikh army was defeated by british and bengali troops After it capitulated a few days later, then the punjab was annexed to the East India Company's territories and Duleep Singh was deposed.
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