- After they had butchered all the women and kids, killed the men on the barges(below)they then went elsewhere for blood. This was not a mutiny but the full rendered display of soldiers and scavengers who had lost any humanity.One can undersytand the mutiny but not the methods of killing women and kids.
- 10,000 Mutineers beseiged Lucknow.Terror, the women weeping, all seemingly lost. But a man called Henry Havelock was making a forced march to relieve the sufferers; a 1000 men , the hottest weather, he scored three victories on his way and on his way was CAWNPORE. On the 17th of July he saw the remains of the women, the children, and the ground still soaked in blood. He saw the Horror that had taken place. Cholera had attacked his troops, dysentery too,Havelock travelled on and he scored another
- victory.Urged to press on to Lucknow he decided he must turn back to Cawnpore, his small force was decidely short of ammo
.He was replaced by Outram but Outram knew the worth of Henry Havelock, it had taken courage to turn back. Sir James Outram then stood down in honour of the great Havelock the honour of storming Lucknow. But because of numbers it was obvious that Lucknow could only be reinforced not taken.
Warrior 15mm gallia range 21p a figure. in our opinion these are the best contact them direct. here you can find indian mutiny types below and above havelock
DERVISH ARMY 1881-1898
MC1 Hadendowah with Spear MC2 Hadendowah with Sword MC3 Hadendowah firing Rifle MC4 Hadendowah Standard Bearer MC5 Dervish with Spear MC6 Dervish with Sword MC7 Dervish firing Rifle MC8 Dervish Standard Bearer MC9 Dervish Emir on foot MC10 Dervish Cavalry with Spear. H3. H4 MC11 Dervish Cavalry with Sword. H3. H4 MC12 Dervish Cavalry with Rifle. H3. H4 MC13 Dervish Cavalry with Standard. H3. H4 MC14 Dervish mounted Emir. H3. H4 MC15 Dervish Camelry with Spear. H1. H2 MC16 Dervish Camelry with Sword. H1. H2 MC17 Dervish Camelry with Rifle. H1. H2 MC18 Dervish Camelry with Standard. H1. H2 MC19 Dervish Artilleryman with Shell MC20 Dervish Artilleryman with Ramrod MC21 Dervish Artilleryman standing MC22 Dervish Artillery Commander MC23 Dervish Gunner for Gatling Gun MC24 Dervish with Ammunition for Gatling Gun MC25 Dervish Artillery Rider
In a country where they are so concerned abot their citizens that they let them die of hunger on the streetsthis is what came out of India recently.
- They came in peace to commemorate the thousands who died in the Indian Mutiny 150 years ago.
But when a British tour party arrived in the northern city of Lucknow - scene of one of the mutiny's most brutal battles - their reception was far from peaceful.PHONE /FAX: 1 (203) 567-0616
Chanting anti-British slogans, an angry mob pelted their tour bus with rubbish and dirty water before layingsiege to the group's hotel.The building was last night barricaded by police after the visitors received death threats.The party of around 40 Britons - many of them elderly and some of them descendants of those killed in 1857 - were unable to leave as scores of nationalist protesters shouted "English go home" and called them"descendants of savages".So deep was their illfeeling that one Hindu leader even called for the tourists to be executed.
Anil Tiwari, a member of the World Hindu Council in Lucknow, said: "These visitors should be hanged from a tree and their bodies put on the first flight out of India.Muslim clerics joined their arch enemies - Hindu fundamentalists - in saying they would allow no "celebration" of the anniversary.Hugh Purcell, a historian with the group, was dismayed by the reception the visitors had received."Media reports spoke of how we were conducting a 'victory celebration' when all we were doing was commemorating the event," he said."We are disappointed, embarrassed and feeling harassed. We are all deep lovers of India and came here in a spirit of inquiry and respectfulness."He said the visitors were coping "stoically" and that older women on the trip, one aged 80, were "solid memsahibs with a stiff upper lip"."Frankly, it hasn't been much of a holiday," he added.Dr Rosie Llewellyn- Jones, a writer with the group, said: "We want to understand the Indian point of view and to remember the brave dead on both sides."The trouble for the tour party - which is made up of Britons with links to the Rifles regiments, historians, and descendants of military families - started as soon as they arrived in India ten days ago.Protesters stormed the lobby of their hotel in Agra in the north and an angry mob also greeted them when they travelled south to Gwalior.They finally arrived in Lucknow on Monday. The Siege of Lucknow was one of the key events in the rebellion. When it finally ended in 1858, thousands of Indians and Britons had died, including Lucknow's Chief Commissioner Sir Henry Lawrence.Last night his great-great grandson, also called Sir Henry Lawrence, 55, was among those caught up in the modern-day siege at the Residency Hotel.Also on the trip is Sir Mark Havelock-Allan, a senior judge whose great-great grandfather was Major-General Henry Havelock. He led a relief force during the siege but died in the city from exhaustion and dysentery days after it ended.His statue now stands in Trafalgar Square.The group were yesterday unable to fulfil their plan to visit a graveyard where some 2,000 Britons are buried.Today they will try to leave for Kanpur, where the bodies of more than 100 slaughtered English women and children were thrown into the Ganges."They have no business honouring their dead when so many Indians were massacred so ruthlessly."
BRITISH ARMY 1896-1902MC26 Infantryman advancing MC27 Infantryman firing MC28 Infantryman prone MC29 Infantry Officer MC30 Infantry Bugler MC31 Highlander advancing MC32 Highlander firing MC33 Highlander prone MC34 Highland Officer MC35 Highland Piper MC36 Mounted Infantryman kneeling firing MC37 Mounted Infantry Officer on foot MC38 Lancer. H7. H8 MC39 Cavalry Trooper. H7. H8 MC40 Mounted Officer. H7. H8 MC41 Mounted Bugler. H7. H8 MC42 Mounted Infantryman. H7. H8 MC43 Camel Corps Trooper. H5. H6 MC44 Camel Corps Officer. H5. H6 MC45 Camel Corps Bugler. H5. H6 MC46 Dismounted Camel Corps Trooper MC47 Dismounted Camel Corps Officer MC48 Dismounted Camel Corps Bugler MC49 Artilleryman standing MC50 Artilleryman kneeling MC51 Artilleryman sighting MC52 Artillery Officer with Binoculars MC53 Maxim Gunner MC54 Limber Rider MC158 Maxim Gun and Gunner
MC55 Infantryman advancing MC56 Infantryman firing MC57 Infantry Officer MC58 Infantry Bugler MC59 Mounted Officer. H7. H8 MC60 Egyptian Lancer. H7. H8 MC61 Egyptian Bugler. H7. H8 MC62 Egyptian Camel Corps Trooper. H5. H6 MC63 Egyptian Camel Corps Officer. H5. H6 MC64 Egyptian Camel Corps Bugler. H5. H6 MC65 Dismounted Egyptian Camel Corps Trooper MC66 Dismounted Egyptian Camel Corps Officer MC67 Dismounted Egyptian Camel Corps Bugler
MC68 Zulu, unmarried, thrusting with Assegaii MC69 Zulu, unmarried, throwing Assegaii MC70 Zulu, unmarried, with Knob-kerrie MC71 Zulu, unmarried, firing Rifle MC72 Zulu, unmarried, advancing with Rifle MC73 Zulu, IsiCoco, thrusting with Assegaii MC74 Zulu, IsiCoco, throwing Assegaii MC75 Zulu, IsiCoco, with Knob-kerrie MC76 Zulu, IsiCoco, firing Rifle MC77 Zulu, IsiCoco, advancing with rifle MC78 Zulu, Full Dress, thrusting with Assegaii MC79 Zulu, Full Dress, throwing Assegaii MC80 Zulu, Full Dress, firing Rifle MC81 Zulu, Full Dress, with Knob-kerrie MC82 Zulu, Full Dress, advancing with Rifle MC83 Zulu Induna (Leader) MC84 British Infantryman firing MC85 British Infantryman advancing MC86 British Infantryman prone MC87 British Infantry Officer MC88 British Infantry Bugler MC89 British Infantry Standard Bearer MC90 Highlander firing MC91 Highlander advancing MC92 Highlander prone MC93 Highlander Officer MC94 Highlander Piper MC95 Highlander Standard Bearer MC96 Dragoon. H7. H8 MC97 Lancer. H7. H8 MC98 Mounted Officer. H7. H8 MC99 Mounted Infantryman. H7. H8 MC100 Mounted Infantryman on foot MC101 Artillery Gatling Gunner MC102 Artilleryman carrying Gatling Ammo MC103 Artilleryman kneeling MC104 Artilleryman standing MC105 Artilleryman with shell MC106 Artillery Officer MC107 Limber Rider MC108 Naval Brigade Gatling Gunner MC109 Naval Brigade Gatling Ammo Carrier MC110 Frontier Light Horse Trooper. H15. H16 MC111 Frontier Light Horse Officer. H15. H16 MC112 Natal Native Contingent with Rifle MC113 Natal Native Contingent with Assegaii MC114 Naval Brigade Rating with Rifle MC115 Naval Brigade Rating with Sabre MC116 Naval Brigade Officer
VOORTREKKERS (BOERS)MC117 Mounted Voortrekker Commandant. H15. H16 MC118 Mounted Voortrekker Plain Hat. H15. H16 MC119 Mounted Voortrekker Feathered Hat. H15. H16 MC120 Voortrekker Commandant on Foot MC121 Voortrekker advancing, Plain Hat MC122 Voortrekker standing firing, Feathered Hat MC123 Voortrekker Woman, Loading MC124 Artilleryman with Rammer MC125 Artilleryman with Ball MC126 Artilleryman with Linstock MC127 Artilleryman Standing MC128 Artillery Officer MC129 Wagon Driver
AFGANSMC130 Tribesman, advancing with Jazail MC131 Tribesman, turban, firing Jazail MC132 Tribesman, skull cap, firing Jazail MC133 Tribesman, turban, sitting, firing Jazail MC134 Tribesman, skull cap, sitting, firing Jazail MC135 Tribesman, crouching with Jazail MC136 Tribesman, prone with Rifle MC137 Tribesman, advancing, sword and shield MC138 Tribesman, charging, sword and shield MC139 Tribesman, crouching, sword and shield MC140 Tribesman, dagger and shield MC141 Tribesman, Standard Bearer. E28 MC142 Mounted Tribesman with Rifle. H27 MC143 Mounted Tribesman, sword and shield. H27 MC144 Mounted Afghan Chief. H27
MC145 Indian Infantryman firing MC146 Indian Infantryman advancing MC147 Indian Infantry Officer MC148 Sikh Infantryman firing MC149 Sikh Infantryman advancing MC150 Bengal Lancer. H7. H8 MC151 Indian Mounted Officer. H7. H8 MC152 Indian Mounted Bugler. H7. H8 MC153 Indian Artilleryman kneeling MC154 Indian Artilleryman with rammer
GURKHASMC155 Gurkha Infantryman, firing MC156 Gurkha Infantryman, advancing MC157 Gurkha Infantry Officer
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